Just thought I’d do a quick update of a pretty little corner in my garden, where I’ve dropped in a bunch of succulents to get a nice, colourful mix going.
The succulents I place in this spot seem to be doing very well, so I figured I’d add in a number of succulents I’d love to have quite a lot more of, since they’ll likely grow pretty rapidly in this area based on past experience.

The arrangement’s made primarily of purple aeonium arboreum, although I have number of other aeoniums and echeveria in the mix.

I even through a couple different sedums in the back, ones I recently purchased, hoping they’d grow quickly in this spot an I could move some of the new growth to other areas of my garden.
Right now I have quite a lot of aeonium arboreum, aeonium haworthii, crassula argentia (jade plant), and crassula undulata (curly jade) in my yard, but I haven’t had enough time with a number of other succulents in my garden to have propagated as many of them as I’d like.
There are beautiful kalanchoe fedtschenkoi that a neighbour threw a cutting over the fence for me, and those are also growing quite rapidly in my garden, but the aeonium kiwis and the aeonium sunburst, both which I bought last year, haven’t had a chance to propagate enough for me to have enough for them yet.
The same goes for the random other aeoniums I picked up from a local seller. Can’t wait until I have quite a number of these to use in arrangements!

I do find my succulents have been doing a lot better in the ground than they have been in pots, especially this year, which has been both much colder in the winter, and more hot and dry in the summer (or maybe I haven’t been watering as well).
So I’ve taken a lot of things out of pots, plopped them into the ground in an area that’s doing fairly well.
In this section of my garden, actually, which is no longer minimalist at all, but a huge mishmash of different succulents that I want to grow as best they can so I can transfer some of them to other parts of my garden.
Even outside, succulents grow quite slowly, although not as slowly as indoors, of course. I would love to instantly have as many plants as I want, but I know one day I’ll get there, and when the day comes where I have so many plants I don’t know what to do with the remainder, maybe I’ll keep adding decorative pots around the garden to have more and more.
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